100 David bLuban/b offered another incipient version of law and organizing practice, arguing that lawyers must maintain a ?sub- See Ruth Buchanan & Louise G. Trubek, Resistances and Possibilities: A Critical and Practical Look at Public b....../b See, e.g., Zenobia Lai et al., The Lessons of the bParcel/b C Struggle: Reflections on Community Lawyering, 6 UCLA A SIAN P AC . A M . L.J. 1, 26 (2000) (contending that the community's deci- sions on legal strategy are just as valid of ...
One effective way that governments can deal with the situation is to create heavy taxes on transfer of wealth thru bestate/b. Savings of parents should not be going to their kids. This will improve economy and reduce generational class differences. b....../b I'd have to look up the history, but these ideas were already part and bparcel/b of different South Asian societies before Europe's englightenment. 157 ? LadyMacbethSyndrome on May 27, 2009 02:59 PM ? Direct link ...
April 30, 2006, when Bragg acquired a bparcel/b of virtual land named ?Taessot? for $300. Linden sent Bragg an email advising him that Taessot had been improperly purchased through an ?exploit.? Linden took Taesot away. ...